Learn more about who is making the decisions regarding the development and planning of your community. Find out when and where public meetings are being held, contact your local government representatives, ask questions, and demand answers.
How do I find out what is happening in my local community?
NYC is broken up into 51 Community Boards. Attend monthly Community Board meetings to find out the latest on what’s being planned for your neighborhood. Community Boards help advise city officials on local matters such as land use and zoning, city budget recommendations, housing problems, and other issues affecting the welfare of the community. To find out which is your local Community Board as well as when and where local board meetings are being held, visit: http://www.nyc.gov/html/cau/html/cb/cb.shtml
Who makes the final decisions regarding the welfare and development of my community?
The NYC City Council is responsible for the approval of land use, development, zoning, community development decisions and the city budget. To find out who your City Council representative is and learn when public hearings are taking place visit: https://council.nyc.gov/districts/
Where can I find information concerning complaints/violations of specific buildings in my neighborhood?
The NYC Department of Buildings is in charge of maintaining the safety and lawful use of city buildings. If you have concerns about construction, housing conditions, and other quality of life issues affecting buildings in your neighborhood or to view past and present complaints and violations, inspection records, work permits and legal use of structure visit: http://www1.nyc.gov/site/buildings/index.page
Where can I find information regarding proposals for rezoning in my neighborhood?
The Department of City Planning reviews applications for zoning changes of individual neighborhoods and business districts and also organizes plans for future city developments. To find out what projects and rezoning proposals are planned for your community, visit: http://www1.nyc.gov/site/planning/index.page
How can I apply to designate a historic site or area in my area as a landmark?
The Landmarks Preservation Commission is the New York City agency that is responsible for identifying and designating the City's landmarks and the buildings in the City's historic districts. To find out more, go to: http://www1.nyc.gov/site/lpc/index.page