City Council Decision May Create a More Responsible Blueprint for Future Development

For the first time in the history of the Bloomberg Administration, the New York City Council has voted down a proposal for a development sponsored by the Mayor’s administration. The City Council voted to disapprove Related’s plan for the Armory in the Bronx with a 45 to 1 abstention, a decision which could shape the way development in NYC is handled in the future.

Bloomberg has been quoted as saying this decision is “disappointing and irrational.” Stating that “Today’s vote against the Armory means a loss of opportunity to bring thousands of jobs and more than $300 million in private investment to the Bronx.”
Contrary to Bloomberg’s statements, the mayor had pulled any plans for living wage out of the Bronx project and also neglected to offer any plans for community space, recreational facilities, or union neutrality.
Although this is a major step for our city, the fight is not over. We need to make sure the mayor does not veto the City Council’s decision and demand responsible development for the Armory and throughout the rest of our city.

Historic Decision on Eminent Domain

“After five years of a united focus community stuggle against the mighty powers and deep pockets of Columbia University (CU) that staged the biggest land grab of any landlord in Manhattan the Appellate Division of the State Supreme Court ruled against (ESDC) New York State Empire State Development Corporation’s seizure of the private property of Nick Sprayregen for CU.The Harlem community rallied around private property owner Nick Sprayregen and a number of other small businesses that faced the eminent domain guns of the notoriously corrupt ESDC. The implications are enormous given the eminent domain land grab facing small businesses in East Harlem as a result of Mayor Bloomberg’s approved development of 125th Street from the East River to the Hudson River using eminent domain to capture prime real estate for Bloomberg’s cronies.”- Nellie Bailey