Updates on the Atlantic Yards Development

In Security News:

The most current renderings of Bruce Ratners arena show strips of waist-high, metal, security bollards, raising questions over whether the security structure will end up looking similar to the large granite blocks recently placed outside the LIRR station. To read that story click here: http://gothamist.com/2010/01/06/the_new_long_island_rail.php.

The Empire State Development Corporation is keeping security plans for Atlantic Yards a secret, violating the Freedom of Inorfmation Law. The ESCD is a public agency and the new security measures could drastically affect the external aesthetic of the building.

Read what happened when a Brooklyn-based paper sent a FOIL request to the ESDC in regards to new security plan for Atlanic Yards: http://www.brooklynpaper.com/stories/32/48/32_48_sb_rejected_esdc_foil.html

In Health News:

According to the Architects Newspaper Blog, the Bloomberg Admin has recently released a study called the “New York City Community Air Survey,“ turning out to be one of the most comprehensive studies of the city’s air quality ever taken. Ironically, some of the most polluted areas are located outside of Manhattan, along expressways built by Bloomberg himself. The area around the Atlantic Yards site has already shown to be one of the more congested areas, and as more blocks begin to close and traffic grows heavier around the area, it is predicted that the air quality will become even worse.

Click here to check out the map indicating the most heavily polluted areas in the city: http://blog.archpaper.com/wordpress/archives/5950